Adding Users & Devices in Generic SIP Environments

To add only users:
Applies only to Version 7.6 and later
The association is manually made after deployment, using the Approve button in the Devices Status page
When the phone is connected to the network for the first time, the user is prompted to enter their username/password; it's matched with that on Device Manager. After the match, Device Manager associates the device with the user. Usernames/ passwords are then uploaded to the Manager through the import CSV without using MAC address. After authentication, the Manager downloads the cfg file to the phone.
1. After installing Device Manager, add the HTTP authentication configuration properties to the initial configuration file (taken from DHCP Options 160) and to the templates.
2. Select an authentication mode. Two possibilities are available:
With username/password
Without password; only username or extension
The default authentication mode is username/password
The Login screen then enables the user to authenticate with username only, excluding password
If you want the user to use 'password only' for authentication, enable the 'no password' option as shown in the next figure

3. Configure DHCP Options for HTTP Authentication. To prompt the user for username and password, add the following HTTP authentication parameters to the DHCP Option 160 cfg file:
4. Update the parameter 'provisioning/configuration/url'
5. Open the DHCP Option Configuration page (Setup > Settings > DHCP Options Configuration)

6. Click Edit Dhcpoption160.cfg template:

7. Edit and click Save; you're prompted:

8. Click OK.

If you want password to be excluded from HTTP user authentication, configure parameter 'provisioning/configuration/http_auth/password' to 1234. Users will then not have to enter a password when performing authentication.

9. Configure each template to operate with HTTP authentication. Open each template you want to operate with HTTP authentication and add the following values to each:
10. Update the parameter 'provisioning/configuration/url':
11. Close the Directory 'configfiles'. For security reasons, it's preferable to close the 'configfiles' web directory as from now on all cfg files will be downloaded from the new location http:<SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>/ipprest/lync_auto_prov.php rather than from http:<SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>/configfiles/MAC.cfg